Article Response - "Who Cares How You Listen?"
How People Actually Listen - Stop Pandering to an Extinct World a short response to Who Cares How you Listen? - Thoughts on Our Relationship with Recordings read the post to which this piece is a response here As musicians or people interested in classical music, we must simply face the truth. The last time the concert hall has been the "primary mode of consumption" in classical music has been literal decades. Even as early as 2002, a consumer study published by Audience Insight LLC lists radio as the number one source for listening to classical music, followed by recordings, and then lastly live concerts (view here ). It is naïve, seemingly purposefully so, of musicians to deny this fact again and again. The only musicians who have a "complex relationship with recorded music," are those who blame the lack of their career success on it no longer being the 'good ole days'. The authors of Who Cares How You Listen? - Thoughts on Our Relationship with Recordings...